Imperialism and the accumulation of capital
Bukharin Nikolai
Imperialism and the accumulation of capital - London: Allen Lane 1972
Translated [from the German] by Rudolf WickmanTranslation of the 'Die Akkumulation des Kapitals.' Lupbzig [s.n.] 1921Imperialism and the accumulation of capital. Translation of 'Der Imperialismus und die Akkumulation des Kapitals' Wien [Viena] [s.n.] 1962
Economic theoryCapitalism
330.12 2 TAR
Imperialism and the accumulation of capital - London: Allen Lane 1972
Translated [from the German] by Rudolf WickmanTranslation of the 'Die Akkumulation des Kapitals.' Lupbzig [s.n.] 1921Imperialism and the accumulation of capital. Translation of 'Der Imperialismus und die Akkumulation des Kapitals' Wien [Viena] [s.n.] 1962
Economic theoryCapitalism
330.12 2 TAR